“Many children were unwanted, aborted, abandoned, molested, and undisciplined. The more undisciplined children became, the more social pressure there was not to have children. The breakdown of the home produced anarchy. One unforgettable law has been learned through all the disasters and injustices of the last thousand years: If things go well with the family, life is worth living; when the family falters, life falls apart”

Some people, groups or individuals are very shortsighted, thinking all of us are the same. There are factors which may lead to the decline of nation’s. The relationship between moral and spiritual decline and the decline of society in general is factual and a reality. We need to return to godly principles if we are to avoid a descent into irrelevance and depravity.  In prognosis we maybe right, but our diagnosis maybe wrong. But our problem is not ultimately political, economic, or social, as we would want to believe. The decline of our nation (just as the decline of every other nation) is due to spiritual factors. The political, economic, and social problems we encounter are the symptoms of the spiritual deterioration of a nation. Just as there are spiritual principles that influence the life of an individual, so there are political-spiritual principles that govern the life of a nation. And though we may feel that these are obscure and difficult to discern, in reality they are visible to anyone willing to look at the record of history.

Our problem is that we don’t really learn from history. George Santayana said that “those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.” The philosopher Hegel said, “What experience and history teach us is this: that people and government never have learned anything from history or acted on principles deduced from it.” Or as Winston Churchill said, “The one thing we have learned from history is that we don’t learn from history.” SIERRA LEONE IS NOT ANY DIFFERENT IN A GLOBAL VILLAGE IN THE 21ST CENTURY…….! Each of the great civilizations in the world passed through a series of stages from their birth to their decline to their death. Historians have listed these in ten stages. The first stage moves from bondage to spiritual faith. The second from spiritual faith to great courage. The third stage moves from great courage to liberty. The fourth stage moves from liberty to abundance. The fifth stage moves from abundance to selfishness. The sixth stage moves from selfishness to complacency. The seventh stage moves from complacency to apathy. The eighth stage moves from apathy to moral decay. The ninth stage moves from moral decay to dependence. And the tenth and last stage moves from dependence to bondage. These are the ten stages through which the great civilizations have gone. Notice the progression from bondage to liberty back to bondage.

The first generation throws off the shackles of bondage only to have a later generation through apathy and indifference allow itself to once again be enslaved. WE NEED TO GO IN SEARCH OF KNOWLEDGE TO OUR PREDICAMENTS NOT CHASING AND CRITICIZING SOMEBODY’S ENLIGHTENMENT. “Our ways has brought us unto our knees chasing shadows”. All of us has a past, good and bad and let us be guided by the realities and stop pointing fingers on others, playing the BLAME GAME…..!!! LET US WAKE UP FROM OUR SLUMBER AND IT SHALL BE WELL. MAY GOD HELP US ALL. SAVE OUR BEAUTIFUL, WONDERFUL COUNTRY CALLED “SIERRA LEONE”…..!

[There has been progression from bondage to liberty back to bondage. The first generation throws off the shackles of bondage only to have a later generation through apathy and indifference allow itself to once again be enslaved. This is the direction our country and every other country is headed. The book of Judges shows that the nation of Israel passed through these same stages. And this country will do the same unless revival and reformation break out and reverse the inexorable decline of this nation. As Christians we must recognize that nations will rise and fall just as individuals will be born and die. Our civilization will not last indefinitely, but will eventually pass off the scene. Only God’s Word endures forever. We should not put our trust in the things of this world for they are destined for destruction. Instead, we should put our faith in God and His word. ]


  1. Today we live in a world where biblical and religious absolutes are ignored, and unless we return to these truths, our nation will continue to decline. To understand how we have arrived at this appalling situation, we need to go back into our history century and look at the influence of those elements still profoundly affecting our modern society…..!

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